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Director: Stuart Hume

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Malawi Colombia Tanzania


Many of our projects trigger the resettlement safeguards of financial lending institutions such as IFC’s Performance Standard 5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement, or EBRD’s Performance Requirement 5:Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement.


ESAS provides a range of technical support to resettlement projects, such as the preparation of resettlement policy frameworks, livelihood restoration plans, resettlement action plans, and monitoring and evaluation studies. We understand and respond to the potential for resettlement to disproportionally impact women and vulnerable people.

Our resettlement projects typically involve using an in-country partner who is familiar with the legal and socio-economic context of the host country. We take a practical approach to resettlement using our experience gained from a range of previous projects.